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7 Things About Outsourcing in Romania You’ll Want To Know
27 februarie 2017
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Statistics show that over 60000 Romanians are working in the local outsourcing sector, a sector which is second as export value for our country and brings a cost reduction to multinational companies of approximately 30%. While Romania is in a continuous competition with Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Poland in attracting international companies in search for efficient and cost effective services, it is considered presently the favorite offshore and near shore location in Europe.
A permanently growing sector
According to a study published by Global Services Location Index last year, our country is number 13th on the list of the countries to go to when outsourcing IT services worldwide, climbing five places since the 2015 ranking. With superior human resources, more adaptable to the culture of their international clients, more proficient in foreign languages and with better technological skills and knowledge, Romania is one of the countries where, for the moment, 15000 students a year graduating IT-profile studies are no longer enough for the demand.
- Small cities are the next step
From the total of 1.2 billion dollars, the estimated value of the outsourcing sector in 2016, 63% is represented by Bucharest. Still, outsourcing in Romania is no longer only about Bucharest, since companies targeting for a long term partnership and looking for human resource niches have started to locate since 2016 in the so called Tier 2 cities with good infrastructure, universities, good real estate offer and potential in skills and competences as Galati, Brasov, Cluj, Iasi.
- It is no longer about low cost
The local outsourcing sector benefits from a worldwide shift from low cost to cost effectiveness. In the last years multinational companies have oriented towards choosing a more qualified human resource in the interest of long term benefits obtained through the quality and adaptability of high level technical and soft skills. It is no longer about low cost, but about getting things done professionally and Romania is considered at the moment a pool of talent for BPO and ITO outsourcing.
- ITO outsourcing
With over 100000 people working in various ITO-oriented fields, experienced programmers, developers and software engineers, web development outsourcing and software development outsourcing are on the rise. The presence of companies such as Microsoft, IBM, P&G, HP, Oracle, Wipro, S&T, Accenture, WNS, Intel, Luxoft, Ubisoft and Amazon are only confirming the potential. Web design outsourcing is also one of the rising starts due to the attractive offer of talented graphic designers able to easily understand and adapt to the demands of West European clients.
- Complete solutions
Adapting to the requirements of the outsourcing sector Romanian companies have made the next step in their service offer. From the hourly managed projects to complete solutions, outsourcing in Romania offers foreign companies an interesting source of cost effective solutions.
- Multilingual talent pool
Romanian’s inclination towards foreign languages is well known, appreciated and proven by the almost 20 multilingual major call-centers that have chosen Romania as location on the last 10 years. English, French, Italian, Spanish and German are the most frequently spoken languages helping Romanian employees deal easier and more effective with foreign clients no matter the service they provide.
- The perfect balance cost-quality
Romanian professionals are surely not the cheapest, but in the investment-results equation they are certainly ranking high. As a resource for BPO and ITO outsourcing Romania offers better quality and a potential of labor that has not been yet fully explored.
Location, culture, educational system, a pool of skilled and talented professionals and the presence of multinational companies define Romania as a promising technological hub and a resource of opportunities for businesses looking for the ideal outsourcing solution.
Among the best outsourcing services in Romania you will find Thecon, our IT company with 12 years of experience and an extensive portfolio of successful online projects. We specialize in producing efficient online solutions, whether it be UX design or SEO strategies. We have already amassed over 250 happy clients, many of whom outsourced our IT services. The best part is that the vast majority of them came back to us with other collaboration opportunities.
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