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8 Things About Outsourcing in Romania You`ll Want to Know




21 ianuarie 2022

Just give us a call at +40 762 994 622 or email at […]

Just give us a call at +40 762 994 622 or email at so we can discuss more about your project and outsourcing in Romania.

Romania is one of the top 5 countries in the world in terms of software development outsourcing. Every year, the outsourcing industry in Romania grows by about 13.4%, and the year 2022 is no exception.

Statistics show that over 120.000 Romanians are working in the local outsourcing sector, a sector which is second as export value for our country and brings a cost reduction to multinational companies of approximately 30%.

While Romania is in a continuous competition with Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, India, China and Poland in attracting international companies in search for efficient and cost effective services, it is considered presently the favorite offshore and near shore location in Europe.

1.Geographic position

Romania offers many more advantages than a premium outsourcing in Romania service. Geographical location across Europe is just as important for large companies looking for flexibility and accessibility. Being one of the easternmost countries in Europe, Romania offers you quick access to other cores of IT services. For example, from Romania, you can reach cities such as Barcelona, Munich, or London in just 2 hours. 

This has also weighed heavily on creating a context in which companies that need outsourcing services have access to multilingual engineers and programmers.

2. A permanently growing sector

In the last 10 years, Romania has continued to rise in the rankings of the best countries to go to in order to have the best outsourcing services. If 5 years ago, in 2017, Romania was in the 13th place in the list of the best countries in the world for this service. In 2022, Romania reached 5th place. The only four countries that surpassed Romania’s performance this year were Ukraine, India, China, and Poland.

One of the main reasons for this performance is the Romanian education system. Students have free access to study programmes dedicated to the IT sector, and thus, outsourcing services in Romania continue to get better and better.

With superior human resources, more adaptable to the culture of their international clients, more proficient in foreign languages and with better technological skills and knowledge, Romania is one of the countries where, for the moment, 15.000 students a year graduating IT-profile studies are no longer enough for the demand.

Moreover, Romania also delivers a series of extremely high-quality services when it comes to outsourcing. According to the tests from HackerRank, the Romanian specialists obtained the 20th place globally.

3. Small cities are the next step

From the total of 92.5 billion dollars, the estimated value of the outsourcing sector in 2022 globally, the estimated value of outsourcing services in Romania is 4.5 billion dollars. Still, outsourcing in Romania is no longer only about Bucharest like it used to be in 2016. In the last 5 years, the ranking has changed, and the rapidly developing university cities have taken over. The most productive city in Romania in the outsourcing services sector is Cluj, followed by Brașov, Iași, Galaţi.

4. Low cost? It is no longer about it! 

The local outsourcing business in Romania benefits from a global transition from low cost to cost-effectiveness. In recent years, global corporations have shifted their focus toward hiring more competent employees in order to reap long-term benefits from the quality and flexibility of high-level technical and soft abilities. It is no longer about cutting corners, but about getting things done professionally, and Romania is currently regarded as a talent pool for BPO and ITO outsourcing.


5. ITO outsourcing in Romania

With over 100.000 individuals employed in different ITO-related industries, including skilled programmers, developers, and software engineers, web development and software development outsourcing are on the increase. Microsoft, IBM, P&G, HP, Oracle, Wipro, S&T, Accenture, WNS, Intel, Luxoft, Ubisoft, and Amazon are all there, confirming the potential. Web design outsourcing is also on the rise, thanks to the appealing offer of competent graphic designers that can readily grasp and adapt to the expectations of West European clients.

6.Complete solutions

Adapting to the needs of the outsourcing industry, Romanian businesses have taken the next step in their service offering. Outsourcing in Romania provides international organizations with an attractive source of cost-efficient solutions, ranging from hourly handled projects to entire solutions.

7. Multilingual talent pool

The proclivity of Romanians for other languages is well recognized, respected, and demonstrated by the over 20 multilingual large call-centers that have picked Romania as a base in the previous ten years. English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German are the most commonly spoken languages in Romania, making it easier and more successful for Romanian staff to engage with international clientele regardless of the service they provide.

8.The perfect balance of cost-quality

Benefits of outsourcing in romania


Romanian experts are not the cheapest, but they score high in the investment-results equation. As a resource for BPO and ITO outsourcing, Romania provides higher quality and a labor pool that has yet to be completely used.

Romania is a potential technology center and a wealth of prospects for businesses searching for the right outsourcing option due to its location, culture, educational system, pool of experienced and talented employees, and the presence of global corporations.

Conclusion about outsourcing in Romania

Thecon, our IT firm with 16 years of expertise and a wide portfolio of successful online projects, is one of the top outsourcing in Romania options. We specialize in creating effective online solutions, such as UX design and SEO techniques. We already have over 450 satisfied customers, many of which outsourced their IT needs to us. The best thing is that the vast majority of them returned to us with new chances for partnership.

Just give us a call at +40 762 994 622 or email at so we can discuss more about your project and outsourcing in Romania.



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