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Logo trends in 2019
20 decembrie 2018
Among the elements that can highlight the identity of your business, the logo is […]
Among the elements that can highlight the identity of your business, the logo is the one with the highest marketing potential. A suitable logo can trigger interest, it can be remembered for decades, or can lead to disaster. Building a logo requires more than a few interconnected symbols or letters. A logo must represent you, have its own personality and be able to send a personalized message that provides the customers with a lot of information about your business. Here are some of the most important logo trends to consider in 2019.
1.Gradient Logos
There is a huge probability that the use of gradients will explode in the following year. Way back in 2016, Instagram was the first one to step up the game and it was a huge success. The platform kept on growing since then. A gradient logo offers more opportunities in terms of customizing. For a designer, working process with such a logo can be fluid and encourage creativity. A wider palette of colors can be used and the possibilities are endless. Besides that, a gradient can fit anywhere.
2. Neon Logos
Graphic Designer Sony Nirvana assume that in 2019, the themes of the 1980s will be popular again. Along with the fashion of the ’80s, the neon colors will come back and transform the graphics industry into a new trend. The advantage when you want your logo to get a redesign is that if you want a neon color, there is not much graphical work into it. In the near future, in 2019, neon logos will be a trend and will catch everyone`s eyes.
3. Hand drawn Logos
Because everything can be digitized, we are continuously delivering digitally content artificially created on the computer. In 2019 it is possible for small and large companies to take a step forward and try to communicate with their clients by delivering something that looks more natural.
4. Geometric Shape Logos
Usually, geometric shapes have an effect closer to psychological. For examples, corrugated or curved edges offer a sense of relaxation while accurate geometric shapes such as the circle, triangle or square offer more of a sense of structure, efficiency or organization. Exactly what you want for your business.
5. Logos that trick the eye
With the new trends, more innovative and more creative ideas are also coming up. Like in early 2018, designers are still playing with this futuristic logo concept that puts your imagination to the test and hides a puzzle like in elevated negative space logos. This is also the purpose to attract your eye in its different and creative way. This type of logo is very likely to be more commonly used in 2019.
To wrap up this short list of logo trends that could bring you a drop of success in 2019, we must understand that no matter the design of the logo, the quality of your product will be the last factor in terms of sales. The logo, the website and even the ad campaigns just bring buyers. It is your job to make them trust you and buy your product.
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